The world of eCommerce is many things – one-stop-shop, store-to-door, and a business powerhouse. What it isn’t is a layman’s playground. If you are stepping foot in this world, you will need more than just a handful of strategies. The main thing that matters is the power and hold over writing.

The possibilities for marketing by implementing on the marketing templates a product or service online are many. Among the leaders of eCommerce platforms, the name standing out is Shopify. With over 2.2 M active users; It is easy, fast, reliable and somewhat friendly for beginners as well. It lets you create a store with economical and basic yet powerful functionality.

Yet, with all the things that Shopify can do for you, it can not provide a fine piece of content. In that aspect, you are on your own (or with contacts). You need good quality content and some eCommerce product photography images. Still, times are tough, and things can get hectic, but don’t worry, we got you covered. Here are some tips to write a good blog that will not just flow but glide, like a penguin on ice.

Write A Great Blog

Writing a fine piece of content starts with initiating a thought process. Take your product of choice and design elements into notice and make an appropriate plan. You don’t want to shrink the content to half a page or stretch it to an essay size. Make a plan and work according to it. After you have started writing, the following are the things to keep in mind. Moreover, do check and correct any mistakes after finishing and repeat this part several times to confirm. Let’s write a blog.

1.   Plan Complete Setting

The setting refers to the number of things you want in the content.

The first thing is the HTML Title. It is the way to explain your store page to the search engine. Keep it short and relevant.

The second thing is the Meta Description. Select a handful of words or a couple of sentences to help the customer understand your webpage. You need compelling, unique and engaging content that interests the customer in clicking.

Next up are the Headings. It includes the main heading, some support headings and one for an ending summary. Remember, you have to be wise in choosing the headings that are easy to read but not boring.

Now that you have a good overview of how you want to proceed, it is time to write. Next is choosing the amount of words. You don’t want anything short of 500 words, but a good eCommerce blog is a bit lengthy. To make it viable, you should aim for at least 1500-2000 words. Another thing to consider here is using the backlinks. It increases your trust factor and authenticity of the product or service.

2.   A Focused Journey

Planning a journey doesn’t mean that you have to write a Cinderella story. It means you need to focus your content and wording according to the customer. Research about your target audience and make notes of likes and dislikes. It will make things easier to cover and more focused on relevant customers.

Still, you don’t need to sway too much in the customer’s mind that you forget your own theme. Make sure to follow the path you took from the start and write meaningful and engaging content. Add some goodies along the way or some advice to keep the customer engaged till the final paragraph.

Using the above two elements will generate good quality content that will drive more traffic. Who-knows some might even become returning customers.

3.   Keyword Optimization

Keywords are the important part of all things that include written material. Research your competitors and audience and make a list of relevant keywords. It is vital for the optimization of the blog. It helps the search engines and customers easily find your blog or store page.

The type of keywords to use are as follows:

Long Tail Keywords include broad and phrase searches.

Broad keywords are – CAT leather shoes in black for men

Phrase keywords are – CAT leather shoes for men

Next is Short Tail Keywords, which include exact searches

The exact keywords are – leather shoes

Use the keywords throughout the content, including the headings. You can use several tools to generate good-quality keywords and get started on optimizing your blog.

4.   Interfacing and Experience

Any customer that is on the webpage wants friendly, appealing and diverse content. If the audience experiences repetition or typing errors, they will back off. To avoid these issues optimize your content’s interface and experience according to the user.

For interfacing – use good fonts, right colors and themes, and appealing settings. If your product needs aggressive branding, use light and italic fonts with heavy-tone colors. If your product needs a soothing effect, use bold and rounded fonts with light tone colors.

For experience – use research methods to know what and how much content to add with the image. If you have a product that involves complex methods to operate or function, mention that. It has noticeable features, make bullet points or labelling to point it out to the user.

If you have complete and detailed content. The customer will get attracted and might decide in your favor. Even if the audience doesn’t need the product at once, they take it because of attraction or attachment. You can use these to your advantage as well.

5.   Performance Tracking

Let us be honest. The business world is always evolving, even at this moment. If you want to stay up to the mark, you want to track the performance of your blogs. To make things easy, Shopify has some tools and apps that can help with the ranking. Some of these are as follows.

Plugin SEO: It checks your content and sends alerts about any mistakes. It can help fix the issues related to SEO

Smart SEO: It helps save quality time on optimizing content. It also helps in generating tags for your store page.

SEO Image Optimizer: It helps in optimizing your page images. Also, it works by providing tons of fine-quality images.

Yoast: It checks the optimization strength of your pages. It can use the keywords of your choice to optimize several pages at once.


Shopify is a great eCommerce platform with tons of options and opportunities. If you can write a good content and get a product photography service for images, your success is imminent.

Writing good content is not hard; approaching each step with careful details can give good results. If you have a business plan, don’t hesitate to apply it; if you win, you can lead; if you fail, you can guide.