What is a Face Morphing (merge)?

Face Morphing uses image manipulation programs to combine two separate images into a whole new image; usually, this image is of a face. The earliest known version of a face blender came from a practice known as “tabula scalata,” which originated in the 1600s.

It is the process of building two images side by side on a bumpy surface. Or it is streaked. These images can then be viewed as an “image” if you look at them from a specific angle.

In today’s age, you can turn two faces together online for free through websites and apps. You can also try celebrity face morphing using quick image generators. Besides, there are also professional design programs that you can use to transform faces, including Adobe After Effects.

Features of the Apps for Face Morphing

  1. It swaps faces in your photos.
  2. It is easy to use and gives convincing results.
  3. And also, swap faces with different pictures using 1 or 2 photos or even up to 6 faces.
  4. Swap faces of celebrities with your photos & visa versa
  5. You can use photos from your gallery or click a new unique using a phone camera.
  6. It saves your photos to your phone gallery.
  7. You may share your photo on Instagram, Facebook, and other social networks.
  8. There is no need to purchase. Everything is FREE.
  9. Face Bomb Effect; many people all with the same face.
  10. Also known as face juggler.
  11. Swap faces from 2 photos!
  12. Celebrity Face Swap – Please download your images and use them in our app.
  13. It has advanced editing tools to blend the image perfectly
  14. It is entirely FREE with Ads
  15. Lastly, you can share these photos with your friends.

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How accurate are these merged images?

Well, one fun thing to do with your friends would be to test with a couple who has a newborn. Find two great close-up pictures of them, merge the photos to get a good baby pic, and then look at their real baby to see if the results are similar.

However you use this new technology to merge and morph faces together, I promise you one thing: You will have fun doing it!

How accurate are these merged images?

List some of the websites where you can make your face mash

Let’s list some of the websites where you can make your face mash with that out of the way.

  1. MorphThing
  2. 3DThis
  3. FaceSwapOnline
  4. Loonapix – Facer
  5. Photo Face Swap
  6. Face Swap Booth
  7. Live face swap
  8. Capacious
  9. Snapchat

Morphing/Merging Two Faces: Conclusion

As you use the best site to do this–MorphThing.com, you come up with so many scenarios that would be fun to try. And also, you can see different results when you upload other photos of the same people as I’ve done above.

The key here seems to be finding impeccable images to upload–the higher quality of the source, the higher the accuracy of the merged faces. As they say, “garbage-in, garbage-out.” So, what happens to the photos that I have uploaded if I leave the site? Here goes, I closed the browser and then reopened it, and the place still retains my photos.

It means that they must have placed some cookies on my system, which is fine. However, cookies often get deleted over time, so you may want to “Register” your account by clicking that link in the top right. But what fun. There are so many entertaining uses for this, both merging the faces of famous people and merging the faces of my friends and family.

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