Google Pixel 3 – Features and Spec [2023]
Introduction of Google Pixel 3 Google Pixel 3 is a smartphone with a 5.5-inch display and equipped with 4096 MB…
Net Neutrality – FCC Repeal Net Neutrality? [2023]
Introduction – Net Neutrality Net neutrality is a principle of non-discrimination, essential for the Internet to continue to be free…
Japanese handphones – Top 10 new cell phones [2023]
Japanese handphones Japanese handphones were the first to add functionality such as internet browsers, such as games, cameras, music players,…
How to Activate and Configure the ‘Friends Nearby’? [2023]
Configure the Friends Nearby In any social network and the entertainment provided by the timeline or schedule, many users want…
5G phone: Apple iPhone 12 Pro and Pro Max with 5G [2023]
What is a 5G phone? 5G phone is the new generation of mobile communications. It creates the basis for new…
Abcnews Twitter – All You Need To Know [2023]
Abcnews Twitter – ABC news is available on Twitter, a social networking site owned by American Twitter. inc. On Twitter,…
Messenger – Features, Privacy & security [2023]
What is Messenger? Messenger is a Facebook-owned messaging app. At first, the application inserted within the social network, offering additional…
iPhone XS – XS Max, Prices of iPhone XS [2023]
iPhone XS The latest iPhone XS from the well-known Apple brand, has an edge-to-edge screen with a bezel-less screen. A…